99 Lead Sources

99 Valuable Lead Sources

Struggling to find clients? Check out our list of 99 valuable lead sources for some fresh, innovative ideas on how to pump up your business.

In the real estate of real estate, having a diverse range of lead sources can be the difference between a thriving business and one that struggles to gain momentum. As a real estate agent looking to expand your client base, tapping into various lead sources is crucial for sustained growth and success. In this blog post, we’ve compiled 99 valuable lead sources that can help you generate new business opportunities.

Whether you’re leveraging online platforms, networking within your community, or utilizing traditional marketing methods, these strategies are designed to provide you with a comprehensive toolkit for attracting and converting leads. Explore these diverse sources and discover how each can contribute to expanding your real estate business and achieving your professional goals.

1. Real Estate Agents and Property Managers

The best way to view other real estate agents is as your co-workers, not your competition. As co-workers, they can be your best source for leads. Nearly every transaction requires at least two agents, one on each side, and no single agent can handle every transaction alone. There are plenty of opportunities to work together. Treat other real estate agents as if you are helping them rather than trying to steal business from them. In the end, both of you will end up getting more leads.

2. Former or retired agents (referral method)

Each year, nearly one-third of real estate agents leave the industry. Create incentive programs for retired or former agents with referral fees. For example, a stay-at-home dad who keeps his real estate license active might not make many sales but has a solid network of connections.

When these agents move on, their network needs a new source for real estate advice. Build relationships with other agents so you can step in when they leave or retire. Assure them you’ll handle their existing and future leads, and when the time comes, send them a referral fee.

3. Former or retired agents (lump sum method)

Suppose this stay-at-home dad real estate agent decides to leave real estate entirely and not keep his license. While maintaining a good relationship, you can’t offer him a referral fee anymore. Instead, propose buying his “book of business.”

Ask the retiring agent for a complete list of his network contacts. Have him inform his network that you are now their go-to real estate source. In return, pay the retiring agent a one-time lump sum for his book of business.

4. Broker’s agents

Sometimes you have a lead you just can’t work with, or another agent in your office has a lead they can’t handle. Get to know every agent in your office, learning their strengths, weaknesses, and preferred types of leads. Then, when you can’t work with a lead but know another agent who can, send a referral their way.

5. In-network agents

In-network agents work in the same neighborhoods as you. Use your listing presentation to recommend at least two other local agents to potential sellers.

Why do this? Here are three reasons:

  1. It shows you’ve done your research. You know the seller’s house, the neighborhood, and the key players in the industry.
  2. It demonstrates confidence in your skills. By inviting comparison, you show you believe in your strategies.
  3. It provides an opportunity to earn commission through referral fees if those agents secure the listing.

6. Out-of-network agents

An agent outside your work radius is considered an out-of-network agent. Do you live in Sarasota, Florida, and often find leads moving from Pittsburgh? Start connecting with Pittsburgh agents. Create brochures, blog posts, and videos highlighting Sarasota’s benefits and your services.

Are you connected with a technology company in Salt Lake City that’s relocating employees to Chicago? Network with Chicago agents and inform them about leads coming their way. Your leads can move anywhere in the country, so the more agents you know in different cities, the better resource you become for all your leads.

7. Property managers

Property managers interact daily with both landlords and tenants, assisting with property rentals and maintenance issues while ensuring landlords maintain steady cash flow from their investment properties. These managers engage with people interested in real estate. Although landlords are currently leasing and tenants are renting, this might change; tenants often become buyers, and landlords become sellers.

As a full-time real estate sales associate, you can play a crucial role here. Working with a property manager should be a two-way street. While property managers can help you gain buyer and seller clients, you should also help them acquire landlord and tenant clients.

8. Commercial real estate agents

Every real estate agent has a specialty. Some focus on commercial real estate, while others handle residential properties. Inevitably, a commercial agent will get asked to help buy or sell a home, and you’ll likely be asked about buying or selling a building.

Even though you could theoretically handle each other’s work, it’s best to leave it to the experts. Form referral partnerships with commercial real estate agents in your network to better serve your clients and new leads.

9. Broker-generated leads

Does your broker provide you with leads? Here’s an important tip: if you don’t use them, you’ll lose them. If your broker has sent you five potential leads in the last six weeks and you haven’t made a connection with any of them, she might start questioning your ability to handle the leads she gives you. Instead, put your best effort into working the leads from your broker to ensure a continued flow of these valuable sources.

10. Relocation firms

Imagine a company providing you with all the details and contact info of a pre-qualified lead. Your only task is to seal the deal. That’s the idea behind relocation firms. They connect people who need to move, often due to job transfers, with real estate agents to handle the relocation. While they sometimes charge steep fees, the price is well worth it for sorting and pre-qualifying your leads.

11. Mortgage lenders

Mortgage professionals, especially those at independent mortgage brokers, share the same transactional incentives as real estate agents. They only get paid when the real estate agent does. Teaming up with a mortgage broker, or even two, can provide a reliable source of steady leads. Moreover, mortgage brokers often send pre-qualified leads your way, increasing the lead’s seriousness.

The mortgage professional handles the pre-qualification, enabling you to focus on closing the deal. It’s a mutually beneficial arrangement. Additionally, in many markets, mortgage brokers can contribute up to 50 percent of your advertising costs if you include them in your campaigns.

12. Title agents

Similar to mortgage professionals, title agents only earn when deals close. Building strong relationships with title companies ensures you have an excellent team for your transactions. Title agents can also introduce you to potential leads. Ensure compliance with all rules and regulations concerning kickbacks and referral fees.

13. Home inspectors

Home inspectors often refer clients to agents based on their professionalism and ability to handle transactions smoothly. Agents who maintain good rapport with inspectors may receive direct referrals from them, as inspectors interact closely with home buyers who are in need of reliable agents to guide them through the purchase process. This collaboration not only enhances an agent’s reputation but also expands their client base through trusted referrals, ultimately contributing to increased business and sustained growth in the competitive real estate market.

14. Realtor organizations: National, state and local

If you are a member of the National Association of Realtors (NAR), you should also join your state and local associations. Each association offers numerous ways to actively participate in advocating for real estate professionals’ rights and homeowners’ property rights. Moreover, it presents a prime opportunity to build your reputation and forge connections with dedicated real estate professionals.

15. Apartment complexes

Most renters see apartments as temporary, aiming to buy property later. This concentration of leads makes apartment complexes ideal networking spots. Build rapport with complex coordinators over breakfast or pizza. Host events there to promote real estate opportunities, benefiting tenants and the complex alike.

16. Custom Homebuilders

You can probably name a lot of the larger, national homebuilders, but can you name some smaller, local ones?  Get to know these contractors. Introduce yourself and learn about their companies. See what types of homes they can build.  Oftentimes, builders can give you referral or finder’s fees for sending clients their way.

17. Tract Homebuilders

These homebuilding companies are typically large regional or national firms that construct over 10,000 homes annually. They often offer incentive programs for real estate agents who bring them qualified buyers, including commission bonuses or double-sided commissions.

Listing agents can also collaborate with builders. When potential buyers approach a builder but need to sell their current home first, the builder may refer them to an agent who can list and sell their home, enabling them to proceed with purchasing new construction.

18. Remodelers

Sometimes before homeowners decide to sell, they realize they need to make some upgrades and improvements. They will reach out to remodeling contractors to get the job done.  If you are well-connected with some of the best remodelers in town, not only is that a good resource for you to give to your existing clients, but it can also be a way for you to generate new leads.

19. Vendors and Suppliers

Did you know there are specialty paint stores and companies dedicated solely to doors and windows? Forge connections with these hardware stores; like remodelers, vendors and suppliers can provide valuable leads. Sellers upgrading their homes often seek advice from store staff, offering opportunities for referrals.

Establish a reciprocal relationship by hosting events at local hardware stores and referring clients. This demonstrates community involvement and positions you as knowledgeable about home remodeling.

20. Interior designers

Designers frequently collaborate with homeowners preparing to sell or upgrade their properties, offering mutual referrals. They recommend agents to clients buying or selling homes, and agents suggest designers to clients enhancing their properties for sale. This partnership expands client networks and enhances agents’ reputations as knowledgeable and connected professionals in real estate.

21. Architects

When someone plans to build a new or custom home, the first step is designing it. While buyers often have a vision for their home, they may need guidance on choosing a location. This is where you can step in. Forge relationships with architects and become their local real estate expert. Collaborate early in the design process to suggest ideal home sites that enhance the overall design, leveraging your local market insights effectively.

22. Little League Teams

Sponsor a Little League team to reach kids aged 5 to 14 who play organized tee-ball, baseball, or softball. For a few hundred dollars, place your company’s name on their jerseys. Provide framed team pictures featuring your sponsorship details to each player’s family. This ensures widespread visibility for your company every time families see their children in their Little League uniforms, prominently displaying your name and logo.

23. Dance Troupes

By partnering with these groups, agents gain access to a community of performers, families, and supporters who often need housing solutions tailored to their unique lifestyles. Whether it’s recommending residential properties with ample space for practice or commercial spaces suitable for dance studios and events, agents can position themselves as experts in meeting the specific needs of dancers and their families.

24. Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts

Scouts and their families often undergo relocations due to transfers or new opportunities, making them potential clients in need of new homes. By fostering connections with scout leaders and families, agents can provide valuable guidance on local real estate markets, school districts, and community amenities. This collaboration not only opens doors to new client referrals but also allows agents to showcase their expertise in facilitating smooth transitions and meeting the unique housing needs of scout families.

25. Church Groups

Church groups offer a loyal and engaged audience for spreading your message effectively. These groups within churches, synagogues, temples, or mosques often engage in various activities like Bible studies, support programs, and community services. Integrating your business activities with these religious communities can enhance your outreach and networking efforts significantly.

26. School Volunteers

Every school offers parent groups like the PTA, moms’ clubs, or dads’ clubs, providing ideal networking opportunities for parents. Engaging actively in these groups allows you to connect directly with families, as family life often influences relocation decisions. Schools are prime locations to build relationships and position yourself as a trusted resource for families looking to buy or sell homes.

27. Nonprofits and Charities

Integrate nonprofits and charities into your business strategy through participation and tithing. Take the time to learn about local nonprofits quarterly, volunteering your time, and contributing resources. Those relationships strengthen bonds with these organizations, demonstrating your commitment to community involvement and fostering meaningful connections.

28. Referral Tithe

Give 10 percent of your income to your referring partner’s nonprofit of choice.  Since you cannot give monetary referrals to unlicensed individuals, instead give 10 percent of the income generated from the referral to the nonprofit of their choosing.  And the best part is, you can make the donation in the name of the person who gave you the referral so they can get all of the credit!

29. Lost Leads

Sometimes, leads may not immediately convert into clients. They can be considered lost when initial contact is made but communication ceases, or when they are not ready to buy or sell. Instead of discarding these leads, place them into a drip campaign to maintain light contact over time. This strategy ensures you remain top-of-mind when they are ready to enter the real estate market. However, it’s important to balance efforts on lost leads to avoid investing excessive time for minimal returns, a common frustration leading some agents to leave the industry.

30. Farming

Farming in real estate involves targeted marketing efforts directed at a specific neighborhood or geographic area, aiming to attract business from homeowners. This method, also known as geographic farming, includes sending multiple communications like letters, flyers, emails, and gifts to potential clients. While effective in generating leads, it requires consistent investment over four to six months before seeing results. Choosing the right neighborhood with a high turnover rate is crucial for maximizing efficiency and return on investment in your farming strategy.

31. Expired Listings

When dealing with expired listings, rather than competing with numerous agents for the homeowner’s business, consider a strategic approach. Target current listing agents nearing the end of their agreements by identifying properties approaching the six-month mark on the market. Contact these listing agents directly to inquire about the seller’s intentions to re-list. If the seller wishes to stay with their current agent, express gratitude and move on. However, if they are open to a new listing, offer to list the property and provide a referral fee to the current agent. This approach benefits all involved: you secure a new listing, the current agent earns a referral fee while maintaining a positive client relationship, and sellers avoid excessive calls from multiple agents.

32. For Sale by Owner

When dealing with For Sale By Owner (FSBO) properties, rather than competing with numerous agents for the seller’s listing, take a strategic approach. Identify FSBO listings that have been on the market for an extended period, nearing the point where the seller may reconsider their strategy. Contact the FSBO directly to discuss their experience and offer your services as a professional agent. If they prefer to continue selling on their own, respect their decision and offer to assist in case they change their mind. This approach ensures a respectful and proactive engagement with FSBO sellers, potentially leading to new listings and partnerships in the future.

33. Local Newspapers

In your local edition of the Business Journal weekly newspapers, they publish a list called “People on the Move.” This list encompasses everyone who just got a new job, a promotion, was placed on a board of directors, or received some sort of industry recognition.

One of the top three reasons people move is because of a new job. With this “People on the Move” database, you have a treasure trove of data on the very people you are trying to work with. Send a letter or an email congratulating these new employees on their new jobs, and let them know you’d be happy to help them with any of their real estate needs.

34. Government Agencies

Government agencies often handle properties due to foreclosures, tax sales, or surplus properties, providing agents with unique opportunities to secure listings or represent buyers interested in these properties. By networking with government officials and understanding their processes, agents can position themselves as knowledgeable resources for clients navigating the complexities of government-related real estate transactions.

35. Auction Forums

Watching HGTV shows where people bid on foreclosure auctions can be entertaining, but in reality, the process is more streamlined using online resources. To leverage this data effectively, review past auction listings from three to six months ago and identify winning bidders who are likely investors, not the original owners or banks. These investors typically aim to either renovate and sell quickly or rent out properties. Real estate agents seeking new lead sources can approach these investors, offering expertise in the fix-and-flip model and positioning themselves as exclusive listing agents for their investment properties.

36. Professional Recruiters

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, about 19 percent of people relocating more than 50 miles do so due to a new job, amounting to approximately six million movers annually. Recruiters play a crucial role in facilitating these relocations, whether hired by organizations seeking talent or individuals seeking new opportunities. Beyond job placement, recruiters are tasked with presenting the overall career package, including location, company culture, and lifestyle fit. Real estate agents can capitalize on these connections by offering expertise in local housing markets and lifestyle considerations, complementing recruiters’ efforts and generating a steady stream of leads from relocating professionals.

37. Divorce Attorney

When a couple gets divorced, there can be a lot that goes into the separation, especially if the couple has been together for a long time and shares many assets together. One of those assets is usually the family home.  It is the divorce attorney’s job to split the assets between the two divorcing parties.

Sometimes, if there is a dispute or if there are debts to be paid, the attorney will recommend selling the house and giving the proceeds to each divorcee. In this scenario, the divorce attorney will look to the services of a real estate agent to get this job done.

38. Estate Attorney

Estate attorneys have a similar responsibility to that of a divorce attorney. Instead of a couple divorcing, someone has passed away and the assets either need to be sold or distributed to other parties.  If real estate is one of those assets that need to be sold or distributed, the estate attorney will look to the services of a real estate agent to get the job done.

39. Financial Advisers

Individuals who work in the financial services sector can be excellent sources of leads for real estate professionals. Why? Simply put, real estate purchases can require a significant amount of capital. And financial advisers know who has access to that amount of capital.  The financial adviser’s role is to guide his or her clients toward making the most fundamentally sound decisions with their money. Oftentimes, that decision is to invest in real estate. Financial advisers who refer their clients to an excellent real estate agent are doing a great service. Make connections with these professionals; they can be a lucrative lead source.

40. Investors

Investors are constantly buying and selling properties, generating a steady stream of potential commissions. These clients often require specialized knowledge of the market to find profitable deals, making your expertise as an agent even more valuable. By partnering with investors, you become a trusted advisor, securing repeat business and expanding your network within the investment community.

41. New Businesses

The Small Business Administration reports there are around 28 million small businesses nationwide, with nearly one million new businesses starting annually. As these businesses grow and expand, their demand for real estate services increases. To capitalize on this opportunity, real estate agents can access local county business tax rolls to identify new businesses. By reaching out, agents can offer assistance with commercial real estate needs and support employees in finding suitable homes, leveraging their expertise to serve both business and residential sectors effectively.

42. Wedding Planners

According to the Census Bureau, approximately 2.1 million people marry each year, with nearly half choosing to live together afterward, creating a demand for new housing. While not all newlyweds will purchase a home immediately, many will consider it. To tap into this market, real estate agents can establish connections with wedding planners. Wedding planners can provide valuable introductions to couples looking for a home to begin their married life, offering agents a strategic entry point into this demographic.

43. Economic Development Corporations

Local economic development corporations (EDCs) actively recruit businesses to their cities by highlighting the advantages, including living conditions for executives and employees alike. Partnering with EDCs allows real estate agents to engage early with large corporations, offering insights into the local housing market. Moreover, if a company relocates its headquarters to the area, agents gain access to a significant pool of potential clients, enhancing their business opportunities.

44. Sports/Celebrity Agents

You don’t need to reside in Hollywood or New York City to succeed as a sports or celebrity agent. While these professionals are concentrated in major cities, they live and work across the country. Agents represent a wide range of celebrities, from top-tier stars to lesser-known names, all of whom have substantial financial means and frequently relocate.

For instance, professional athletes may change teams multiple times during their careers, maintaining homes in various cities. By establishing connections with these agents, real estate professionals can assist celebrities in finding suitable residences wherever their careers take them.

45. Members of the Armed Forces

Those Americans that serve us and fight for our freedoms deserve all the respect and credit they can get for their efforts, not least of which is their constant re-assignment to other bases around the country and around the world.  Get connected with local military bases to find out when and where service members are moving to and from.

46. Human Resource Managers

Connect with human resource managers to tap into a valuable source of leads. These professionals are well-informed about upcoming hires and relocations, as well as potential layoffs or downsizing. By establishing relationships with HR managers, real estate agents can offer assistance to employees in need of housing due to job changes, ensuring they are well-positioned to capitalize on both incoming and outgoing opportunities.

47. Just Listed, Just Sold and Just Bought

These three lead sources — just listed, just sold, and just bought — involve specific mailing campaigns tailored to different purposes.

The just listed campaign targets neighbors within the vicinity of a new listing, typically sent out within a week of the property hitting the market. It includes details such as the property address, price, key features, multiple photos, and your contact information. This outreach not only promotes the new listing but also positions you as the go-to agent for their future selling needs.

Similarly, the just sold and just bought campaigns follow a comparable approach, adjusted to reflect either the successful sale or purchase of a property. These campaigns bolster your branding and can complement your existing lead generation efforts, including farming strategies.

48. Repeat Clients

The most valuable source of leads comes from your repeat client base. These are clients who have completed a successful transaction with you and are satisfied with your services. Ideally, they are not only inclined to work with you again but also eager to refer you to their network.

What makes repeat clients so valuable is the minimal acquisition cost involved. You’ve already invested time and resources in serving them during their initial transaction. Any subsequent business from repeat clients essentially translates into free marketing for your services.

49. Referrals (Moving Buddies)

In many states, real estate professionals are prohibited from paying referral fees to unlicensed individuals for new leads. Instead, some states permit showing appreciation through small gifts. When someone unlicensed refers a lead, it’s important to express gratitude. Send a thank-you card to acknowledge their trust and consider a modest token of appreciation, such as a $20 Amazon gift card. These referrers are often called “moving buddies,” and fostering these relationships with gratitude is key.

50. Sphere of Influence

When starting as a real estate agent, your sphere of influence—comprising friends, family, colleagues, and acquaintances—is your initial source of leads. These are people who already know and trust you, making it easier to establish rapport and offer your real estate services. Leveraging the internet is crucial in today’s business environment, offering vast resources for buyers, renters, and sellers. Numerous websites cater to real estate transactions, making it a fertile ground for agents to connect with potential clients seeking housing information and services.

51. Zillow

Zillow functions like a modern-day newspaper, aggregating comprehensive data on local housing markets, including listings, school information, and top real estate agents. Unlike traditional newspapers, Zillow covers every neighborhood extensively online. Viewing Zillow as a digital newspaper helps real estate agents effectively utilize it for generating leads and investing advertising funds in a platform that reaches a broad audience seeking real estate information.

52. Realtor.com

Realtor.com functions similarly to Zillow as an online real estate platform, often likened to a digital newspaper. What distinguishes realtor.com is its affiliation with the National Association of Realtors (NAR), giving real estate agents a more favorable platform compared to consumer-focused websites. This affiliation theoretically positions realtor.com as a resource that supports and promotes real estate professionals, making it an advantageous tool for agents seeking to enhance their online presence and attract leads.

53. Craigslist

One of the first and most ubiquitous online marketplaces, Craigslist still garners millions of eyeballs every month. Most importantly, it breaks down its marketplace into local neighborhoods, which helps you specifically target potential leads. Use Craigslist to grow your database of leads. Although you may not get lots of clients directly attributable to Craigslist, you will most certainly be able to add leads to your marketing campaigns.  The more people that know about your services, the more likely people will want to use you.

54. Email Marketing

Email marketing stands out as a cost-effective method of mass communication due to its zero cost per recipient. Unlike traditional mailings, which can be expensive to reach a large audience, emails can be sent to thousands without incurring expenses. However, because it’s free for everyone, inboxes are often flooded, and many emails go unread or are marked as spam. To make email marketing effective, target a specific group of people who already trust you and find your information valuable. Regularly sending relevant content can maintain engagement and nurture relationships with potential leads.

55. Website

In the early internet era, real estate professionals focused on developing feature-rich websites to compete for consumer attention. Today, platforms like Zillow and realtor.com dominate property searches, shifting the role of real estate agent websites. Rather than duplicating MLS listings, your website should serve as a concise representation of you and your brokerage. It should highlight your expertise and how you can assist potential clients, steering away from overwhelming details. Instead, aim for a clean, straightforward design that functions as your online business card—a useful tool to introduce yourself and your services to prospects.

56. Blog

Blogging is a powerful tool to attract leads both online and offline. By consistently publishing high-quality, original content, your website’s visibility in search results improves significantly. Just as you visit websites for fresh and informative content, potential leads seek out blogs that offer valuable insights. Publishing your articles in reputable news sources further enhances your credibility and authority in the real estate industry. When potential clients see your contributions to trusted platforms like Inman, they recognize your expertise and are more likely to trust you with their real estate needs.

57. Google Adwords

To reach the first page of Google, consistent high-quality content is crucial; otherwise, paid ads are an option. Google Adwords offers precise control over ad messages, budgets, and placement, ensuring targeted outreach and detailed tracking of lead sources and ad effectiveness.

Social media platforms offer numerous ways to engage, each with unique interaction methods. While you likely know these platforms, optimizing their use can amplify your outreach. Overall, maximizing social media involves strategic interaction tailored to each platform’s strengths.

58. Think of social media like a real life party.

Treat social media like a party: avoid being overly loud or too quiet. Be engaging, share humor, and connect with others to attract potential leads effectively.

59. Facebook

Utilize Facebook Messenger to engage potential leads through a chat bot, which you can easily set up with predefined responses to common queries. This free tool allows your business to interact directly and promptly with prospects online.

60. X

Use hashtags strategically on social media platforms like X (formerly Twitter) for lead generation rather than just adding them as an afterthought. By searching relevant hashtags such as #house, #seattle, and #waterfront, you can identify potential leads discussing specific topics related to your business. Engage with these individuals to establish connections and expand your network effectively.

61. LinkedIn

LinkedIn is an ideal social media platform for professionals to connect and share industry insights. It emphasizes professionalism, making it distinct from other social networks. Utilize LinkedIn’s long-form post feature to publish thoughtful blog posts about the real estate industry. By sharing your expertise in this way, you can reach all your connections who will receive notifications about your posts. Additionally, joining relevant groups allows you to amplify your reach and engage with a broader audience interested in real estate topics.

62. Instagram

Instagram can be a powerful tool for real estate agents to generate leads. By showcasing stunning property photos and videos, agents can capture attention and create an emotional connection with potential buyers. Engaging stories with virtual tours, neighborhood highlights, and client testimonials can further build trust and brand awareness. Ultimately, converting your profile into a digital “open house” can attract new clients and turn followers into enthusiastic homebuyers.

63. Pinterest

Pinterest thrives on visual inspiration, making it a perfect platform for real estate agents. By creating captivating boards showcasing dream homes, local amenities, and design ideas, agents can attract potential buyers in the research phase. Targeted content with compelling descriptions and website links can drive traffic and establish the agent as a local market expert. This strategic approach positions them to capture leads from users actively seeking their dream home.

64. YouTube and Vimeo

Video content is highly effective for capturing attention and engaging leads in today’s digital landscape. Videos outperform photos and blog posts in terms of viewer engagement and sharing. YouTube offers a straightforward platform where you can easily record and upload videos using your smartphone, discussing local neighborhoods, showcasing small businesses, or providing virtual tours. For more polished and professional video production, consider using Vimeo, where only verified individuals can upload content. Regardless of the platform, regular and frequent video updates can significantly enhance your marketing efforts and attract more potential clients.

65. Magazines/Journals

When using magazines and journals to generate leads, there are two main strategies you can employ. Firstly, you can opt for traditional advertising by placing an advertisement within the publication and relying on readers to respond directly. Alternatively, you can create branded content, which resembles a regular article but is sponsored and produced by you as the advertiser. This approach integrates your message more subtly into the publication’s content, potentially increasing engagement and credibility among readers.

66. Newspapers

Targeting local papers allows agents to reach a demographic comfortable with print media, particularly in areas with a high concentration of older buyers. Running informative articles about the local market or showcasing open houses can establish credibility and brand recognition. While lead generation might be slower, newspapers can be a reliable source for qualified clients seeking a more traditional approach.

67. Church Bulletins

Want to spread your message of truth and salvation in the real estate market? Look no further than the back pages of the weekly church bulletins.  Advertising your services in this publication serves two great functions: It can attract leads with similar beliefs as you. And it allows you to support the financial mission of your church.

68. Neighborhood Profiles

Neighborhood profiles can be a powerful tool for real estate agents to generate business. By crafting detailed profiles highlighting specific neighborhoods, agents can attract residents considering a move within the area. These profiles should showcase local amenities, school rankings, and demographic trends, catering to the specific needs of various buyer types. By positioning themselves as the neighborhood expert, agents can build trust and establish a reputation for in-depth local knowledge, ultimately converting profile viewers into potential clients.

69. Programs and Playbills

Most cities have a performing arts center. Whether they feature local productions or nationally recognized Broadway shows, the theater is a great place to source for leads.  Most people going to see performing arts typically have the capability to afford a home. And you have a captive audience there in the theater.  Advertise your services in the performing arts program or a specific playbill. While the audience is waiting to see the show, you can put on a show in your ad.

70. Press Releases

To attract attention from news agencies for your real estate business, focus on creating compelling press releases with unique stories. Instead of generic updates, highlight impactful events like assisting disabled military veterans in finding homes or delivering pizza and beer to clients on moving day. These human-interest stories are more likely to grab the media’s attention and lead to articles that can generate significant leads for your business.

71. Radio

In the Houston market, numerous local real estate agents have leveraged radio shows to broadcast their message. These shows vary in frequency and focus, airing on both AM and FM stations. While some discuss real estate exclusively, others highlight local businesses and community events. Regardless of format, these agents use radio to effectively reach a broad audience, promoting their names and services to potential leads throughout the region.

72. Podcasting

You have the tools to start a podcast—just a microphone and an internet connection. Podcasts are online audio (and sometimes video) programs on various topics, accessible to anyone. While you might not get huge download numbers initially, it’s another way to attract leads to your real estate services. Your podcast doesn’t have to focus solely on real estate; for instance, if you’re into semi-professional poker, you could host a poker-themed podcast and sponsor it with your real estate business.

73. TV

Targeted commercials during popular shows or local news can capture viewers actively engaged in their surroundings. These commercials should be brief, memorable, and highlight the agent’s expertise. They can showcase success stories, local market insights, or a catchy tagline to leave a lasting impression. This approach allows agents to build brand recognition and position themselves as the go-to realtor in the community, generating leads from viewers seeking a trusted guide in their real estate journey.

74. Billboards

Billboards offer high-impact lead generation for real estate agents. Their large size grabs attention in high-traffic areas, reaching a broad audience of potential buyers and sellers. Agents can tailor their message to attract specific demographics, showcasing a captivating image with a clear call to action like “Thinking of Selling? We Get Results!” The billboard’s constant presence builds brand awareness and keeps the agent’s contact information top-of-mind, prompting potential clients to reach out when they’re ready to make a move.

75. Gas Station Pumps

Pumping gas can be a mundane task, especially since using your phone isn’t allowed due to safety concerns. Some gas stations have addressed this boredom by installing TV screens at the pumps. These screens typically show short clips about sports, pop culture, and news, interspersed with advertising slots. It’s a brief window to capture the attention of someone at the pump, making it a great opportunity to reach local leads. Consider targeting gas stations with these screens in your farming area for a comprehensive advertising campaign.

76. Guerrilla Marketing

A guerrilla marketing campaign is a creative and unconventional advertising approach that stands out through its uniqueness and cleverness. Examples include spontaneous song and dance routines by a large group in Times Square or placing a thousand plastic pink flamingos in a client’s front yard, each adorned with your company logo. These tactics aim to capture attention and create memorable experiences that traditional advertising methods may not achieve.

77. Sports Team Sponsorships

Sponsoring a sports team is an effective strategy to raise awareness for your real estate brand and potentially generate exclusive leads. It can be surprisingly affordable and provides a platform to associate your name directly with a popular sports franchise. For instance, in Houston, real estate agents have sponsored teams like the Houston Dynamo and Houston Cougars, establishing themselves as the official real estate partner of these teams, thereby enhancing their visibility and credibility in the local market.

78. Classes and Seminars

Partnering with other real estate professionals such as mortgage representatives, insurance agents, and home inspectors to host educational seminars for first-time homebuyers and sellers can significantly benefit your real estate business. By focusing on providing valuable information rather than direct selling, these events can establish your expertise and build trust with potential clients who are navigating the real estate market for the first time. This approach positions you favorably when these leads are ready to choose a real estate agent.

79. Trade Shows and Conferences

Trade shows and conferences serve as prime opportunities for networking and connecting with potential leads. Setting up a booth in the expo hall allows you to establish multiple points of contact with attendees through print materials, online visibility, and face-to-face interactions. As a real estate agent, these events offer universal appeal since everyone requires housing, making them fertile ground for generating leads and building relationships within diverse professional communities.

80. Absentee Owners

An absentee owner refers to someone who is not currently residing in their property and does not have tenants occupying it either. These owners may not be fully utilizing their property for various reasons. As a real estate agent seeking leads, reaching out to absentee owners presents an opportunity. You can inform them about the current market conditions and suggest selling their property to capitalize on favorable conditions. Alternatively, if selling isn’t their immediate goal, you can recommend partnering with a property manager to secure tenants and generate rental income. This approach ensures the property remains productive until the owner decides to sell, at which point the property manager can facilitate reconnection with you as their agent.

81. Unattended Leads

Many real estate agents leave the industry within two years, whereas homeowners typically reside in their homes for three to seven years. This gap often leaves homeowners without a current real estate agent when they decide to move again. These homeowners, termed “unattended” leads, lack a connection to an agent who can assist them with buying or selling a home. To capitalize on this opportunity, search through local MLS records for homes sold three to seven years ago and verify if the agents involved are still active. If not, you’ve identified potential leads who may need your real estate services.

82. Cold Calling

Cold calling, though sometimes seen as outdated, can still be a viable tactic for real estate agents. By targeting their calls to specific neighborhoods or following up on online leads, agents can connect with motivated sellers or buyers who haven’t yet connected with a realtor. A well-practiced script that highlights the agent’s expertise and local knowledge can spark initial interest, potentially leading to appointments and new client relationships.

83. Appreciation Events

Hosting appreciation events annually is akin to throwing a party in honor of your clients, leads, and trusted vendors. These events are not just about gratitude but also about strengthening relationships. By inviting those who contribute to your business success, you demonstrate appreciation for their support and services, fostering stronger connections that can lead to long-term loyalty and referrals.

84. Renters

The shift towards higher rental rates over homeownership presents a lucrative opportunity for real estate agents. While some may view this trend as a challenge, it’s actually a chance to tap into a growing market segment. Working with renters isn’t just about immediate income but also about building long-term client relationships. Renters often have shorter transaction cycles and fewer complexities compared to buyers, leading to higher productivity rates. Moreover, nurturing these relationships can turn renters into future homebuyers who already trust your expertise and service, ensuring a strong pipeline of potential clients down the road.

85. Networking Events

Networking events are crucial for real estate agents to showcase their brand and connect directly with potential clients. Personal engagement and finding common ground are essential in making these events successful. Rather than immediately pitching yourself, focus on understanding others’ needs and interests. Effective networking, akin to a well-planned exercise routine, involves preparation, active participation, and genuine interaction to yield the most favorable outcomes.

86. Networking Groups

Every interaction you have is an opportunity for networking as a real estate agent seeking leads. Whether you’re at a social event, a sports game, a reunion, or a professional conference, always have your business cards ready. Real estate is a topic that naturally sparks conversation, and people often enjoy sharing their experiences or questions. Utilize networking groups like chambers of commerce, Business Networking International (BNI), and others to expand your connections and potential client base effectively.

87. Social Organizations

Social organizations offer a unique niche for real estate agents to connect with potential clients. By building relationships with local groups like PTAs or community centers, agents can establish themselves as trusted resources. Offering informational workshops on homeownership or market trends positions them as experts. Additionally, sponsoring events or volunteering their time demonstrates genuine community involvement, fostering trust and brand recognition. Ultimately, social organizations can be a springboard for generating leads from a pre-engaged audience seeking real estate guidance.

88. Alumni Associations

Alumni networks can be a goldmine for real estate agents seeking qualified clients. These groups foster a strong sense of community and shared experience, creating a natural environment for referrals. By attending alumni events or sponsoring programs, agents can connect with individuals likely going through life transitions that involve real estate, like first-time home purchases or relocations for career advancement. Highlighting their expertise and alma mater connection can build trust and position them as the “go-to” realtor for fellow alumni.

89. Professional Organizations

These organizations include the American Institute of Architects (AIA), Urban Land Institute (ULI), Real Estate Investment Council (REIC), and the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), among others. Passive selling contrasts with active selling by taking a more indirect approach. Instead of actively pursuing leads, passive selling involves creating conditions where leads come to you naturally.

90. Floor Duty 2.0

The traditional “floor duty” involved real estate agents being physically present at their brokerage office, hoping to attract walk-in leads. This method was more relevant before the internet era and depended on office location for visibility.

In the digital age, consumers access real estate information online, reducing the need for physical office visits. “Floor duty 2.0” adapts by bringing the office presence to popular locations like cafes with Wi-Fi. Agents set up laptops with signs inviting inquiries about real estate, effectively taking their services directly to potential clients.

91. Farmer’s Markets

One of the best ways to get in front of a bunch of people in a walkable environment is a farmer’s market.  People who go to farmer’s markets are passionate about their local neighborhood and are looking to support local businesses and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Partner with a vendor at a farmer’s market or get a booth yourself. Then, share information about your local neighborhood. Tell shoppers about neighborhoods that have community gardens or that have HOAs that allow them to grow a garden in their own backyard.

92. Name Badges

Wearing a name badge in public outside of a networking event or group might seem a little cheesy, but it can certainly provide you some leads.  Wear your name badge the next time you go to the grocery store and see how many leads come up to you and ask about real estate.

93. Open Houses

Open houses, while not guaranteed lead generators, can be a springboard for real estate agents to connect with potential clients. These events showcase a property’s strengths and allow agents to personally interact with curious neighbors or passersby. By strategically placing engaging signage and having a warm, informative presence, agents can convert visitors into leads. Open houses are particularly valuable for capturing buyers who might not be actively searching online, presenting a unique opportunity to build rapport and secure new business.

94. For Sale Signs

“For sale” signs aren’t just marketing for listed properties; they can be lead magnets for real estate agents too! Plant seeds for future business by placing signs strategically near high-traffic areas. These signs, with a catchy message like “Sold! Let me help you sell yours!” and your contact information, plant the idea of using a realtor in the minds of neighbors contemplating a future sale. This low-cost approach can generate leads from potential sellers who might not be actively seeking an agent yet.

95. Bandit Signs

Bandit signs are those plastic or cardboard signs you see on the side of the road by stop signs and traffic signals.  The best way to utilize bandit signs is by placing them near new construction communities.  Have a few bandit signs along the road right before the entrance to the new construction community saying “Building a home? Get a Realtor!” Have either your phone number or website on the signs, too. More often than not, potential buyers of new construction homes are going to the builders without representation from an agent. Having your name and contact information right there for buyers to see can be an excellent source for leads.

96. Past Deals

Past deals are a goldmine! Don’t underestimate the power of staying connected. By revisiting past deals, real estate agents can identify potential for future business. One thing to keep in mind is that more often than not, once a transaction is complete, agents no longer stay in touch with their clients. This could be an opportunity for you to connect with the buyers or sellers on the other side of your past transactions.

97. Become a local market influencer

Don the influencer hat! Build a following on social media platforms by creating engaging content that showcases your local market expertise. This could be quirky property videos, partnerships highlighting cool neighborhood businesses, or quick, humorous real estate tips. By establishing yourself as a fun and knowledgeable local market expert, you’ll attract potential clients seeking a realtor they can connect with.

98. Scavenger Hunts

Spruce up open houses with a fun twist! Develop a scavenger hunt within the property that highlights key features and neighborhood amenities. Offer prizes for completing the hunt, attracting families and first-time homebuyers seeking a more engaging experience. This not only generates leads but also creates a memorable brand association for potential clients.

99. Livestream Property Tours with Interactive Polls

Take virtual tours to the next level with interactive livestreams. Broadcast live tours of properties on social media platforms, allowing viewers to ask questions and participate in polls about specific features. This creates a dynamic and engaging experience, allowing potential buyers from anywhere to explore properties in real-time.

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